Jumat, 01 April 2016


Nama: Syahriza Arrisyiid Akfa
NPM: 2A114580
Kelas: 2KB07


The TOEIC test (Test of English for International Communication) is a test of English skills for people who are not English bahasaibunya Britain. The TOEIC test can measure the English language skills for individuals working in an international environment in daily life. Its values ​​indicate how well people can communicate in English with other individuals in business, trade and industry. Ts does not require any special knowledge or terms that are not commonly ang people use in their daily activities.

            TOEIC Purpose: to measure proficiency in English as a communication tool in the global environment.


TOEFL is an abbreviation of the Test Of English as a Foreign Language. TOEFL is the standardization of one's English ability in writing (de jure) which covers four aspects of mastery: Listening, Writing and Reading.Sistem TOEFL assessment using a conversion of each correct answer. TOEFL score of the highest attainable person is 675.

            TOEFL Purpose: measuring the ability of English as the language of instruction in the educational process


There are some differences, between TOEIC and TOEFL. In terms of purpose, TOEFL is used for academic interest. While TOEIC is used to search for work, business, and communications. So, TOEIC as a life skill, more to the application, because every day is practiced.

Then, in the comparison of assessment results were different. For TOEFL, more to the value for individuals and institutions only. While TOEIC, in addition to scores of individuals are also useful in the certificate, benchmarking report and analysis. Another noticeable difference is in the type of test. Because, in TOIEC tested only listening and reading only. Unlike the TOEFL test which also includes speaking and writing.
However, when viewed from the needs and age, will be selected which should be used. For example, students need more than TOIEC TOEFL. This is because in the subjects they are still contained writing. However, beyond that, it should in TOIEC also exercises for writing. Because, however, this capability is also needed in the world of work.

In addition, because TOIEC using international standards, perhaps only natural that the price of the test is expensive. Reportedly, once tests require funding of about 400 thousand per person. This price can be quite high for the general public, especially for students. Not everyone is able to fulfill it. Unlike the TOEFL that 'pretty' affordable, enough with 30 thousand, the test can be performed. It became an other considerations to weigh between these two types of test. So, insert the contents' doku'.


1.  Handle the delicate equipment with………………..
 A. carefully
 B. care
 C. careful
 D. caring
2. Answering telephone calls is the ……………….. of an operator. 
A. responsibility
B. responsive 
C. responsibly
D. responsible 

1. Don’t leave your books near the open fire. They might easily ………………..
A catch the fire
B catch with fire
C catch on fire
D catch to fire
2. Tomorrow is Harry’s birthday. Let’s………………..it.
A. honor
B. celebrate
C. praise
D. congratulate

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